The Primary Blogging Community is currently accepting classes that blog for the January rotation. The last rotation was a huge success with over 80 classes participating from all over the world. I have made a few changes for this rotation. I have changed the rotation schedule from 8 weeks to 6 weeks. I've done this because I feel that the most important part of this community is to have students commenting on each others blogs to generate excitement to write! Instead of taking 4 weeks to read and comment on the class blog, I have shortened it to 2 weeks. Here is a brief description of what the blogging community is:
What is the Primary Blogging Community?

Why join the Primary Blogging Community?
1. You will be collaborating with other like minded educators on this project and in return will build your PLN.
2. PBC creates enthusiasm and engagement in reading and writing.
3. It gives your students a voice and lets them be the teacher to their peers.
4. Your students will have a built in audience that will provide authentic feedback to what they are writing about on their blogs.
5. It is not uncommon to receive over on your students' blogs when they are the focus class! The excitement and engagement piece to this blogging community is huge!
5. It is not uncommon to receive over on your students' blogs when they are the focus class! The excitement and engagement piece to this blogging community is huge!
What Does The Schedule Look Like?
January 13th - January 24th
Each week two class' blogs will be the centre of attention. The other two classrooms will be exploring and commenting on those two particular blogs. The following week, class three and four will be the centre of attention where the other classes will comment and explore on class three and four blogs.
January 27th - January 21st
We will have the same blogging buddies as we did in January, however, this time we will be focusing on our students' personal blogs instead of the class blog. This will create more comments, more traffic and more enthusiasm for your students' blogs. I can tell you from personal experience that on the week that my class was the "focus week" it was not unusual for my students to have up to 100 comments collectively on their blogs in one day.
What is the difference between the Primary Blogging Community and Quadblogging?
Quadblogging - Each week one blog is the focus blog with the other three blogs visiting and commenting during that week. In week two, another school/class blog is the focus with the other three visiting and commenting. This is repeated until each of the classes/schools has had their week in the spotlight. The cycle is then repeated. (from
Primary Blogging Community - Is the exact same as above except the second 4 week cycle we concentrate on your student's personal blogs, not your classroom blog.
What do I need to begin?
You need to have a classroom blog and your students need their own personal blogs. If your students do not have personal blogs, I suggest you create them or sign up for instead. If you do not have an edmodo account, I highly suggest you sign up for one and join our blogging community. This is where you can ask questions and collaborate with the other teachers in the group. The code to our group is k6uu8u. We also communicate frequently on twitter, use #PrimaryBC on twitter and follow me on twitter for news and updates @mrswideen.
Can't wait to start again! Thanks for organizing this yet again - I am also going to sign up for your Global iBook project - Exciting! I have one question- I have 3 other classes in our school all at the same grade level - 2/3 and I was wondering if we worked together to submit 4-6 pages about our community - instead of each of us submitting the same information - I am hoping they want to collaborate with me (and you) on this
ReplyDeleteMy students' blogs are accessed from my class blog. Looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteVery excited to participate! Thank you for organizing this opportunity for our students! :)
ReplyDeleteMy students' blogs are also accessed through our classroom blog. We are very excited to participate! Thank you for this!
ReplyDeleteWe would love to participate, but Jan-March is really packed. Will you run another one April-June!
ReplyDeleteThis will be very exciting. I've had a classroom blog for about a year. My grade one students are brand new to blogging. Hope we can keep up with you all!
ReplyDeleteDo we register here or at . . .or both? I am a first grade teacher in the upper peninsula of Michigan and am interested in learning more about blogging with my first graders!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenni, unfortunately, sign up is closed for this session. You could try Quadblogging. We are two separate blogging opportunities. I will have another session in September.
ReplyDeleteOk. . . Thank you Kristen! I have so much to learn still and truly enjoy and appreciate everything you share! You are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteOk. . . Thank you Kristen! I still have much to learn and truly enjoy and appreciate everything you share! You are an inspiration!